In just one week, the biggest and best leadership conference for educational leaders starts! Please join me to hear from over 30 experts in leadership and education as we set the stage for our best school year ever! CLICK HERE to sign up.

Rachel Yanof started the Phoenix Collegiate Academy with the express intent to get all the students to college. I hope you enjoy this interview, as I sure did.

  • First time I confronted the idea that kids could go to a college or not.
  • Trusting the system could make it so the kids don’t get what they need.
  • Building Excellent Schools
  • 97% receiving free and reduced lunch. 90%+ minority
  • Find families through being in their area
  • Every parent has dreams for their child.
  • Homework
  • Overcommunicate
  • Parents need to be involved in education, active participant.
  • Mandatory parent orientation, come to us or we will come to you because it is that important that you are part of the team.
  • Homework is assigned every night.
  • Not a secret what is happening in school.
  • Perseverance, respect, integrity, discipline, endurance. PRIDE Report - Tracking positive and negative consequences at school.
  • Parents come in every quarter for conferences. 100% participation in conferences.
  • Flipped model in the high school.
  • Communication-focus in lower grades.

Don't forget to sign up for the Transformative Leadership Summit which starts in just one week! Don't miss any of the awesome presenters including LaVonna Roth, Jennifer Abrams, Neil Gupta, Glenn Robbins, Vicki Davis, and many more! CLICK HERE to sign up!

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