Get rid of a culture of judgment and move toward a culture of improvement.

David Smith (Web site, Twitter) is the Leader Effectiveness Specialist for the Utah State Board of Education. He mentors and supports principals all over the state.

  • 30 years in public schools. 10 as a teacher and 20 as a principal. ALPS, Principal in 3 different schools, Math Specialist for the state.
  • Why he should have gotten a doctorate.
  • Works with principals, superintendents, and HR directors in different district.
  • Summative Evaluations
  • Principals need to become coaches to teachers.
  • If in a summative evaluation, a teacher is surprised, then the principal hasn’t done his job.
  • Principals should not take the role of teacher coaches.
  • Principal should be the lead learner or principal coach in the school.
  • We get so caught up in administrivia and don’t focus on learning.
  • A business manager vs. principal.
  • Equitable division of leadership responsibilities.
  • Ideal that the principal is the instructional leader.


Are you feeling like you are always behind at school? Do you feel like you need about 2 more hours each day to accomplish everything? Here’s how I help principals work manageable hours: Create your ideal week, so that you can leave work at work and enjoy your life!

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